There's Magic Out There: Our week with the Letter E

October 15, 2012

Our week with the Letter E

The letter E looks pretty easy being that its just a couple of straight lines but its not. The letter E sounds like B and D too much that it gets confusing for munchkin. As the weeks keep going by and we go over more letters I'm trying to figure out how to not make them a huge jumble for him. How to teach them in different ways that will stick to him and he will remember all of them and reduce the confusion between them. Here is what we did this past week:

Monday: We started off the day going to a new Play and Learn at Carver Branch Library . We then at Home worked on Letter recognition

I made alphabet eggs. I saw on pinterest how you can use Easter eggs to work on uppercase and lowercase letter connections. So I used old Easter eggs from last year and wrote on them with a permanent marker the uppercase letter on the top half and the lowercase on the bottom half. So you can separate them and have your child put them together or just use them as a letter find. You can probably think of more uses for them. They are an awesome tool because they are plastic, long lasting and fun. Plus very very easy to make.

We also played with the playdough we got from play and Learn and used cookie cutters to make letters and go over them.

Tuesday: We made handprint Elephants. Using gray paint just making a handprint then letting it dry, cutting it out and adding googly eyes and ear flaps and tusk markings with a permanent marker. I think there adorable!

We also spent some time on going over our letters.

Wednesday: We played with our puzzle alphabet cards that are fun to mix up and have him put back together as we review the letters.

Thursday: We really just hanged out all day at home. We watched Halloween shows.

Friday: Was a special day where Munchkin got to play with his older sister for the 1st time. It was a family bonding day :) I hope to be able to feel comfortable enough to share with you one day about the situation.

Saturday: We went to Chalk It Up and got home exhausted! But oh so happy at the same time.

Sunday: We went over the letters and used playdough as a learning tool.

Overall he is getting alot better with his alphabet and he actually asks "play letters?" or "read me book". Which makes me happy because I don't want him to think of letters as stressful, instead he sees them as fun! Handwriting as always is still a top must work on subject, but we are getting there and with more practice he will be on track.

Check out our Weeks with Letters A, B, C and D:

Our Week with the Letter A
Our Week with the Letter B
Our Week with the Letter C
Our Week with the Letter D

 Are you on an alphabet journey just like me? How is yours going? Any tips for me or in general things that helped you out? Any advice is much appreciated as always   :)

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